School Boards » Budget Information » Budget Information

Budget Information


Welcome to the Budget Information page. Here, you will find detailed information about our budgeting process, future, current, and past budgets, and more. This page is currently a work in progress and at a minimum will detail FY24 and FY25 information. Prior years will be added once the page development is complete.

Budget Process Overview

Who is involved in creating the school budget?

The school budget process for the upcoming school year begins in the summer and fall. It starts with an analysis of needs by each building principal, department directors, and the Superintendent of Schools. They collaborate with the Director of Finance to review their existing budget and project needs for the next school year.

In November and December, the budget process transitions to the Budget Committee of each respective school district within our supervisory union. These committees conduct a budget analysis, considering both the needs of the school and the interests of the towns they represent. Throughout the fall, these budget committees work with the Director of Finance, building principals, department directors, and the Superintendent of Schools to create a budget that reflects the needs of the school and the broader community.

Where do the resources for school budgets come from?

School budget resources come from a combination of federal funds, state funds, grants with specific usage parameters, and financial support from the local community served by the public school.

What are some of the budget categories?

The school districts within WNESU have various budget categories, some influenced by federal or state mandates. These include Health Insurance, Special Education, and tuition allocations associated with school choice and district configurations. Additional budget categories cover salaries for teaching and school staff, facilities and maintenance, food services, information technology, and support services for students such as Guidance, Health, and Psychological Services.

When do I get a chance to voice questions?

Opportunities to ask questions about the budget are provided through informational meetings and annual meetings held by the school boards. These meetings occur before the budget voting process and are publicized in the press and on the WNESU website.

Where can I learn more information?

Regular updates will be posted in the Budget Information section on the WNESU website and added to the Budget Dashboard also hosted on the site. For more information, visit

Financial Statements and Reports (Work In Progress)

Audited Financial Statements

Budget FAQs (Work In Progress)

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information

For further inquiries, please contact the Business Office:

Email: [email protected]