The WNESU provides services in a number of key areas which include:
The Early Education Program
The Office of Student Services
The Business Office, including the management of federal and state grants
Transportation Services
The Nutrition Program
The Office of Technology
Curriculum and instruction
Student support, including administration of Student 504 plans, English language learner instruction, and multi-tiered student support coordination
The Office of the Superintendent oversees all school services, functions, and assists the school board.
The four school districts associated with WNESU are: Westminster School District, Windham Northeast Union Elementary School District, Rockingham School District, and Bellows Falls Union High School.
We look forward to working with you as a partner in the education of WNESU students!
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Our Promise
WNESU is committed to “Creating an Inclusive Community through Personalized Student Engagement”
The Core Values are Community, Perseverance, Kindness, Cooperation, and Safety
Our promise: “We promise to engage, educate, and prepare all students to become self-directed learners and creative problem solvers.
Our goals: Academic Achievement, Engagement, Social Emotional Learning.
Every student in the Windham Northeast Supervisory Union will become a self-directed learner and creative problem-solver, allowing each student to reach full potential with the capacity to choose from multiple pathways of success. This will happen if all school staff collaborate with family and community members to equitably increase engagement, learning, and personal growth.
At a Glance
1049Number of Pre-K through 12 students
6:2Schools and Pre-K Sites
146,845Lunches provided to families in the summer of 2022